Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Different World

I believe that when I take Matilda outside, she enters her own world; a world where English is not allowed. When she's inside, she answers to her name and she usually responds to commands. But once we are out of the door, her knowledge of English disappears. I think that her name becomes something that can only be pronounced by other members of the animal kingdom. "Drop It" becomes something that translates into, "Sure eat it. I'm sure it won't hurt you."

I've been hesitant to take her to an obedience class because I don't want to change who she is. I know that sounds crazy, but I don't want her to become some robot of a dog just because it's convenient for me. I have a feeling that she may have been left outside a lot at her previous home. It's not really fair of me to expect her to act right outside when she only gets to go out twice a day for 30 minutes at a time, is it?

I need the Dog Whisperer.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway!

Your dog is so cute! So sweet how you rescued her :)