Friday, July 11, 2014

Devil Dog

Don't let this sweet face fool you.  Matilda has an anger management issue.

I've always known that she has separation anxiety.  To try to make her look forward to me leaving the house, I started giving her a special treat before I leave.  She now gets excited when it's time for me to go, so I thought the snack really did the trick.

I think the snacks were just a temporary fix because a few weeks ago, I came home to this.

She wanted me to think she was ashamed, but she really wasn't.

After this, I started putting the bedroom trashcan on top of my dresser when I leave for work.  Problem solved, I thought.  (Yeah, right.)

Today, while I was at work, I though about Tildy and envisioned her like this.

The reality was probably more like this.  (Cue the "Psycho" music.)

When I got home, I found two pair of my underwear in the middle of the bedroom floor.  Matilda had rummaged through the load of laundry that I had left in the hall floor and forgot to put in the washer before I left the house.  Apparently, my departure turned Tildy into a demon dog.  She ripped one pair of underwear to shreads.  The other pair was ripped in a few places.  I can only assume that she ate the crotch from both pair because there were no random scraps of cotton anywhere to be found.  I would share the pictures, but I feel funny about having pictures of my underwear floating around the internet.

I have no idea how to deal with this problem, but I won't ever leave laundry in the floor again. That's for sure.

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